Monday, April 18, 2011

Naruto Vs. Pinocchio

Text and Dialogue Naruto Pinocchio

Naruto's answers will be in BOLD.

Balloons (words/thoughts) Yes Yes

Captions Yes Yes

Emanata Yes Yes

Labels/signs Yes Yes

Lettering Varies in size, depending on message,
consistently all caps

In all capitals not a lot of text, mostly visual.

Sound Effects Yes. Example: "THAM!" Yes.

Visual Features

Characters Pointy hair. Japanese anime style. Long nose. Blank eyes

Objects Cameras, alarm clock, Not a lot. Weapons.
other ordinary objects.

Icons The clan symbol. No.

Scenery In Japan. In Nasolungo.

Depicted action (internal/external) External Both.

General Layout and Design

Borders Yes Yes

Gutters Yes Yes

Panels Yes Yes

Open Panel Yes Yes

Splash Yes Yes

I was impressed that both were so visually dynamic and, like studying film, would not have noticed it unless I took a closer, critical look.

Angles and Frames

Bleed Yes Yes

Close-up Yes Yes

Head shot Yes Yes

Head-shoulder shot Yes Yes

Full-figure shot Yes Yes

Longshot Yes Yes

Extreme longshot No Yes

Reverse Yes.. and it was hard to read. No

Rhetorical Techniques Applied in Text, Visuals, and Design

Exaggeration With facial expression
Yes, with situation

Empathy/identification The reader feels empathy
for the characters

Readers can identify with Pinocchio and his struggle

Mood/tone Playful, suspicious, action Serious Sarcastic

Simplicity/complexity Complex Complex

Irony/satire Satire regarding the government No

Realism/icons/symbolism Clan symbol means different village
very significant throughout work.
The nose is symbolic. Vampires also need blood.

Order/disorder Order Disorder


Relationships Different people betray village
or other village attack. They are

Vampires try to take over village for blood. Pinocchio tries to stop vampires avenging his father's death.

Point of View Omniscient, detached. Insider

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