Saturday, April 23, 2011

Class Reflection

I didn't think that I would enjoy this course as much as I did. I was hesitant to even think of multi-modal resources in the classroom because when I was in school we didn't use such things. One thing that I've learned is: the times, they are a'changin'. Teachers NEED to keep learning relevant and exciting. We need to prepare students for the future and technology is the future. I don't think that we should eliminate the canon but we can enhance the material. I did my wiki on Shakespearean sonnets and it was wonderful to see that multi-modality can strip away the dullness of the material and make it alive for students. It can also help make it relate-able to students that are not Caucasian, which is important. I think that there is a balance between entertainment and education that needs to exist and through careful (and thoughtful) planning, teachers can achieve that balance. I'm glad that my mindset has shifted and that I now know of all the resources that are available to teachers on the internet.

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