Sunday, May 20, 2012

Moni. Muli bwanji?

It means "Hello. How are you?" in Nyanja which is one of the languages commonly spoken in Zambia, Africa. These words seem quite foreign to me now but I'm sure it won't take long for them to become familiar.

I am pleased to tell you that I leave for Zambia August 9th 2012 and plan on returning in mid-July 2013. I am going to teach 8th grade in Lusaka, Zambia next year through Mennonite Central Committee's SALT (serving and learning together) program. I will live with a host family and teach in a local school. I'm very blessed to be able to learn about how people live on the other side of the world and do life with them! Not everyone gets such a wonderful, challenging opportunity.

Because I want to be 100% available during my time there-- I will not be updating a blog. I will be journaling a lot and communicating via email. I would love to get together and share about experiences when I get back but I really want to be focused while I'm there. If you would like to be informed of my experience during my time in Africa please EMAIL ME at and I will add you to the list! I will send out emails periodically. I hope you partner with me on this journey!!!

May the Lord bless you!

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