Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Helpful Links

Useful Web Sites

Image Grammar Site

For More Images
Google (Select Images)
http:// www.google.com

Movie and Live Speeches

Drew's Scripts-O-Rama

For Collaborative Projects (Some Items Require a Fee)
Global SchoolNet Foundation Home Page
Global School House

Schrock's Guide

The Awesome Library

Yahoo Education Site


Education World

NCTE Lesson Web Site
and click on lessons then click on 9-12

Literary Parodies: Exploring a Writer’s Style through Imitation

Online Resource for Carol Olson's The Reading and Writing Connection

Proficiency Tests and Vouchers
Randy Hoover's Research

Read #21 Youngstown Vindicator's Anti-Teacher Editorial
Read #21.2 Mary Carter's Letter to the Vindicator


NCTE Lessons

and click on lessons then click on 9-12

http://www.thinkfinity.org and use the menu
Writing Handouts for Use in Class
From University of Wisconsin Writing Handbook

Lesson Plans for Teaching Writing [Paperback]
Chris Jennings Dixon (editor) (Author)


Student Web Search:
Annotations by KSU Students

Reading Resources

This web site is like none I have ever seen. This web site offers more than
36,000 stories offered from kids all over the world. This web site can be
used in the classroom or students can visit this site on their own. Kids can
have their work published and also read others children's work. This web site
I feel is wonderful, it offers many opportunities for children to become
active in writing.

This web page entitled Learning to Read; Resources for Language Arts and
Reading Research offers you almost any amount of information on any topic that
you could think of dealing with Language Arts. The purpose of this web page
is to improve the quality of reading instruction through the study of the
reading process and teaching techniques. Along with everything else it also
offers Interactive Lesson plans and different professional organizations and

This site has a lot of information about children's literature. It
gives a featured book of the month, numerous book reviews, and activities to
use with the books. The books are not for just one grade level either, they
are age appropriate for whatever level is needed. This site also has a
variety of multicultural books. They can range from African American poetry,
to stories of the Native Americans, or even a standard fairy tail. There are
a whole spectrum of books to choose from. Overall, this is a very nice site
to get ideas about what literature to use in your classroom and lessons along
with it.

This site gives the names of various childrens authors. If you click on
their names, it gives a description about their books, and some personal
information about them. For example, Louisa May Alcott is one of the people
featured. It gives a sample of her writings, and even a picture gallery to
look at. There are numerous authors from a to z to choose from. It is a very
nice way to know more about the autors and their writings.

This site is dedicated to “Children’s Literature” and “Resources for Teachers” from around the world. Bantam Doubleday Dell and Penguin are resourced along with AskERIC and an online games sight. The webmaster’s choices for worthy sites above the rest are accurate. It is valuable to look at these selected sites before looking at the others.

This web page is entitled Reading Activities Stories. This web page
offers lesson plans and activities dealing with the topic of Language Arts.
The home page seems a little boring but once you click onto one of the options
a whole new world opens up for you. This site will take you step by step all
the through the activities that they tell you about, and will answer any
question that you have about the lessons and the activities found on this web

This web site consists of brief summaries of historical fiction for children to young adults. The texts are categorized according to subject and/or genre within history. The site briefly describes the time era and then recommends non text books to enhance the lesson.

This is a very unique, well composed web site for children coming of age. Literature with brief summaries are categorized under headings such as sex, families, stress, imagination, and peer pressure. The site is brightly colored and is composed of other categories that pertain to life as a teenager. I think that this site is beneficial for teachers to also look at because there will be particular students that we as teachers know better than the others. There might be a few students that some to teachers with personal problems. By being aware of all forms of literature, a teacher might be able to recommend a book from this site that relates to what the student is experiencing.

This is an information packed site that offers several unique ways and
links for teachers to bring students together in literacy and reading. There
are lesson plans and several links to sites on how to help students connect
with literature that they would be interested in, including the Harry Potter
series. I found it to be full of useful material including themes and lesson

This is a website created for teachers and students. It lists books by reading levels. It also has a "Bookworm" search, "Meet the Authors", and a "Cool Stuff" section. It has the newest and most popular trade books among students and teachers listed. One of its distinguishing features is a "Wish List". The wish list has a registry for students or teachers. It allows readers to list their most desired literature to own and e-mail it to friends and family members in hopes of receiving it as a gift.


This is a web site where students writing can be published. In the classroom teachers look for many ways to congratulate students on and encourage success in writing. This web site is a good start to exposing students creative and expressive writing. Publishing student writings on the web is a really good resource and confidence building experience for students and a pleasant experience for teachers. This website welcomes all ages and levels of students and encourages writing to everyone.

CIM Net- Student Work: Anchor Papers
This site is dedicated to writing assignment anchor papers. It shows examples of various student papers and how they are rated for the proficiency tests.

Teachers Helping Teachers
Web Site: http://www.pacificnet.net/~mandel/languagearts.html
This gives you some new and exciting lesson plans to do from other teachers. They also encourage you to send in your good lesson plans so others can use them too.

Collaborative Lesson Archive
Web Site: http://faldo.atmos.uiuc.edu/CLA/LESSONS/kindergarten.html
This web site gives you different lesson plans for any grade level and in any subject. For writing, if you like a lesson, you can submit different versions to you added for others to see.

Jack Lynch has designed a site that I feel is a great writing site. Not only does it define many English words; it gives examples of how they are used. It is a site full of grammatical rules and explanations, comments on style, and suggestions on usage. He also has links to other sites grammar, style, and usage.

This site is interesting, in the middle of the page is a link to, Ideas for Teaching Writing outline. Here they provide you with different topics for writing, mini-lessons for teaching writing, and a writing workshop portfolio idea. They offer quotes to write about and give ideas for journal topics. He also offers links to other sites as well. This site is based off a teacher and his ideas for 7th grade. I feel his ideas are very creative.

This is a great website. It gives you definitions for each of the different modes of writing and examples of each. It also has unit plans to use when teaching the different writing styles. It's filled with many examples that are usefull when teaching writing. It also provides links to other sites that can be helpful to teachers in preparing lessons.

An excellent site for teachers to use in creating writing assignments. There are 20 and 30 different writing lessons to use. One is called a paragraph a week and instructions are given on how to use this activity in the classroom. The directions for each of the lessons are clear and easy to follow. This is a great place to use when your trying to find ways to bring writing into your classes.

home: http://www.inkspot.com

I really liked this site because I felt that it covered everything! It gave a nice variety of writing activites of all sorts. They posted the grade levels that the activities worked best for. I felt that everything was organized and was easy to find whatever you needed. The colors and the background also made it interesting to look through. This site would be great for teachers who want to get theri students involved and excited about writing.

home: http://www.angelfire.com/ks/teachme/quotes.html
Quotations from Writers. I like quotations! I think that a lot of them could be motivational, especially when you find yourself stuck in a writers block. I think that
it's good to have a quote on the board everyday for the students to read.
You never know, it may help them! I would also offer the site to students
to look at when they do need some help writing.

this site provides different lesson pland dealing with writing for elementry
k-5. examples are the section called successful paragraphs or creative
writing; multi-author story writing. i thought thses lesson plans or Ideas
might be useful if I had a mental block and I co8uldn't come up with my own

this is a site showing how to get children's writing published. this site
also has stories of published students. I thought, as was discussed in class,
that this is a nice way to get children motivated towards writing. It would
be exciting for students to see their writing on the internet.

This is just for your browsing. This site contains some neat photos. Just click on the Photo Gallery link.


Poetry Pals
At this site, they publish any student's poetry. It also explains different types of poems and gives examples of each kind. It also gives you links to other poetry sites and projects. Finally, it encourages literacy in todayĆ­s youth.

This site is designed to help aid a teacher in teaching poetry to a class. This site offers lesson plan ideas and descriptions for writing poetry. Offering 4 links into poetry, this site can be fun and educational.

This is a website that gives hundreds of examples of
poetry. Teachers can find poems that are models for
the different styles of poetry to use as examples in
the classroom. Students can use this website to
search for a particular poem. The website defines
words in poems that may be difficult and also has
quotes of the day.

This page contains samples of student's poetry that
would be a good sight to use if you are having
students doing creative writing about space. This
page will give your students ideas of where to start
and get them thinking creatively. The poems on this
web-site are very creative.


Global Schoolhouse Projects & Programs Main Page
This site lists numerous collaborative projects. There is also a projects registry section where you can search for current or upcoming lessons and projects on the internet.

The Savvy Cyber Teacher: Finding Collaborative Projects on the Web
This web site is dedicated to finding collaborative projects on the internet. It has a list of collaborative projects and a list of educational listservs where projects are posted.

La. Challenge Activities for the K-12 Classroom: Collaborative Online Projects
This site is also dedicated to collaborative projects. It has guidelines and formats for collaborative projects and resources. It also has a place where you can submit your own project or join a current project.

Designing Web Pages: Join an Online Project
This site lists six pages of different online collaborative projects to join. It also gives information on creating your own web page.

Bell Atlantic World School
Web Site: http://wvaworldschool.org/html/teachers/projects.html
This gives you different possibilities of collaborative projects to pick from. There are different subjects and it sometimes gives you different grade levels that it is appropriate for. There is then an address to be able to connect you to the place that is controlling the project.

Email Connections (USA and Global)

This is an intercultural email classroom connections collaborative site. This site began in 1992 and today it has over 8,000 participants from over 82 countries. This site helps teachers connect via the email. You can either participate by joining one of the IECC mailing lists or by exploring the IECC WWW pages. You can use the IECC WWW pages either to look through other people's postings for partner classrooms or projects to see if something there meets your needs, or you can submit your own project announcement or request for a partner classroom (copied from Internet site).

This is a collaborative site for students to "swap ideas" with each other or with educational professionals. There are 6 different forums to choose from. In these forums you have the ability to read what others are doing, and also add your input. In addition, it is a great place to visit if you just are in need of an idea.

Guides to other Sites

This website has a variety of education links. Kathy Schrock put this site together and many teachers have added lessons, ideas, etc. to the site. The home page explains how she put the site together and explains that she has connected several other sites to benefit students and teachers. This is also a great site for parents who are looking for helpful tips on how to involve themselves in their children's learning. This site is connected to the Discovery's website so it has multiple animal and exploration links. This site is easy for the less computer literate to search because it is all on the home page.

This is a terrific website with multiple educational links. The home page of the website has links such as Questions & Answers, Virtual Library, New & Noteworthy, Lesson Plans, and ERIC Databases. The lesson plans link has unlimited access to lesson plans for every subject and grade level. The process consists of typing in your subject or topic and then choosing from which you find interesting. The resources that you have access to are also unlimited. I feel that this is a great website for ideas and helpful hints about lessons or education in general.

Research Paper
Web Site: http://researchpaper.com
This is an interesting way for students to get ideas and hints for writing a paper. It also gives you links to other places to find more research on that topic. Improving your writing style can also be accomplished on here. Finally, it shows you tips and techniques to make your writing the best it can be.

Lesson Plans

This web site has lesson plans in all subjects including Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies. They are grouped by grade levels. Each lesson plan has an overview, objectives, resource/material, and activities list. Many of the plans contain worksheets and handouts. This site is very thorough and complete.

This web site contains lesson plans that are extensive in literature, poetry, and writing. There are worksheets, handouts, and daily journals. This site uses new poetry and is very extensive in writing plans.

This web site uses collaborative lesson plans that are grouped by grade level and then subjects. This site is great but a little dificult to find the original lesson because so many teachers have added on to them with postings.

This web site contains lesson plan formats and how to instructions. This site is useful when starting out a lesson plan and it uses the media to help the lessons. The lesson plans are grouped by their subjects.

ProTeacher! Primary Reading
lesson plans for elementary school teachers including emergent literacy,
phonics and decoding.
I loved this site. It provides hundreds of links to lesson plan sites and sites that have so
much useful information. There are links to relevant articles, center ideas,
literacy units, activities for students and tips for teachers. It's very specified, very well organized and easy to use. if you can't find it here, I'm not sure where you could!

Yes, I teach
Because I will soon be a Young Educator myself, I related well to this
site. It seems to be set up for new teachers to give each other tips and
advice and mini lessons or activities. It almost seems like a support-group
type atmosphere on the site. The activities with the books focus more on
children's creation of literature as opposed to their use of it, which is
something I really like.

The Lesson Plans Page
http://www.lessonplanspage com/
An extremely simple, but nicely laid out, site featuring over 650 lesson plans. Organized neatly by subject matter and then divided into grades pre-k through high school, the site is easily navigated. The site seems to be updated weekly.

Lesson Plan Links
Lesson Plan Links has over 150 site links to lesson planning. The sites are divided by subject matter. Links lead directly to the lesson site. LPL also has a category for links, which cater to all subjects. This site is very simplistic in design and does not use a lot of filler or ad space. It is extremely easy to navigate.

Teachers.net - Lesson Bank
Extensive list of lesson plans is found at this site. They are listed by subject matter. This site also incorporates a chat center for teachers. A lesson request area is also offered for teachers who are in need of certain topical lessons, which are not found in the lesson bank. This is a nice site, which is very informative and offers many resources for the teacher.

Lesson Plan Place
Hundreds of useful and valuable links to lesson plans are located at this site. Subject matter is broken further down for easier location of topics and specifies the grade or grades for which the plans would be suitable. Easy navigation without much fill. Very extensive!

Your Mojo.com
This site has links to various lesson plan sites along with annotations for each site. It looks like they are in the beginning stages of a rating system for evaluating each link. There are not many ratings listed at the moment. Sites are listed by subject matter. This site includes many more resources for the teacher.

Lesson Plans for Every Classroom
Although to get the most of the complete resources at this site, you have
to pay, there are free bits and pieces of most books that can be found next
to their links. The reason I chose this site was because, as the site states,
most of the literature found here was written by people who are still
teaching, people who are using these very lessons in their own classrooms. I
think it is a testament to the validity of a lesson or activity if it is
written by someone who is currently implementing it. I also liked that this
site was very focused on literacy and writing and reading. There are some
good sources for books on these topics as well as lessons.

I like this website for lesson plans because it is organized into different subject areas and categories. Some of the categories included are: Computers with Internet, Students with Disabilities, English as a Second Language, Foreign Language, and Conflict Resolution. This site even includes a virtual frog dissection. Many of the lessons contain hyperstudio presentations as well as photographs and images.

On this website, lessons are divided by subject and grade level. Images are provided on most pages. It lists the curriculum focus, duration, and objective for each lesson. Many of the lessons incorporate the internet. Related links and video connections are provided for most lessons.
I like this website because it is a children's multicultural literature resource. It posts a book of the week as well as criterion for evaluation of multicultural literature. There are also suggested books, divided by grade levels, that would aid in teaching nonfiction and historical fiction.

This site has over 1,300 lesson plans for many different subjects, and
all grade levels. It was very organized, and broke everything down step by
step. For example, if you chose reading, it then asked what grade level you
wanted. Then, you were to put in what area you needed such as vocabulary
skills, or rhyming. The actual lesson plans were detailed and had interesting
ideas. It did this process with whatever subject you chose. It was a nicely
arranged site.

This is a writing web-site filled with ideas for
teachers. It gives step-by-step instructions of
lessons to do in the classroom. I liked the
vocabulary game presented on the site. A good
vocabulary is the key to good writing and this game
will really help build up a vocabulary. This site also
has links that students would find interesting.

This site gave a list of different lesson plans that have been found all
over the world wide web. It is very helpful in that respect, because it saves
time and gives variety. The lesson plans were for any grade level that you
wanted. It gave an overview, purpose, objectives, and interesting activities
for almost any subject. There were also mini lessons for subjects such as the
civil war. This site gives such a mixture to chose from, and had a nice

This site has all sorts of information to help teachers. It is not just
about lesson plans. For example, there is a list of featured books for many
different grade levels to review. There is also an a to z shopping list for
teachers for things such as workbooks, games, and bulletin boards. Teachers
can put their own lesson plans on this site as well. As for the lesson plans
themselves, it gave a nice overview, and it was very organized. With the
computer and technology lesson plans, they were interesting, and had fun
activities using graphs. This is a helpful site, because there are so many
things that a teacher can get accomplished on this address.

Interdisciplinary Sites

Not Yet Classified

This is a website that focuses on middle school students and teachers to get information. Art, Music, Games, and Novels are some of the categories listed on the home page. When dealing with older students they often enjoy independence. This site lets the students feel like they are doing leisure activities when really you are focusing on school work. I really like this site because it is appealing to young adult students and teachers on an educational level.

I found this web site to be interesting in the fact that it shows both the
teacher how to search the web and the students as well. what this site does
is provides a tutorial some of the topics inclued jargon, themes,
communicatiing with e-mail etc..

This site takes you from picking stories to work on through cutting and
pasting the students stories on to e-mail and sending them back to the web
site. It's a real step by step procedure. which would be great for new comers
to the world wide web writing teachers.

This is a wonderful site that has so much to offer on all subjects! It
includes current events and updates on stories and lessons to help both
teachers and students. There are also old and new lesson plans, vocabulary,
lists of books for different subjects, and ways to slide lessons through grade
levels. This site is helpful and useful for teachers who are just starting
out and for teachers who are experienced and updating for a variation on
lessons. Definitely a resource worth noting.

This site was very interesting. It offers concepts on critical thinking
and how to get your students to do so in all aspects of education. It gives
specific ways to get students to think critically when they read and write,
which is a great characteristic to have in young students because you can
develop that as they get older. The site also lists strategies and standards
for assessment. It gives structured, remodelled lesson plans in great detail.
A great resource to have for literature teachers.

This site is loaded with information! It gives lists of age appropriate
lessons and books for students. The lessons are detailed and give much
information on how to teach the curriculum. The lists are structured so that
you can access books for each grade level, which is very handy. The site also
gives information on how to design your lessons, get into workshops, and
construct class or student literature web pages. You can connect with other
classrooms and teachers to collaborate on lessons and projects through this
site. You can learn and update on how to prepare lessons and go about
teaching them to students. The site is really good for writing. There are so
many ideas about what students can write about and how they can improve there
writing skills. The decor of the site was great, too. A treat to visit!

The final site I visited had information that covered a broad spectrum.
It gave the usual lesson plans and projects, but it also gave state standards
for reading and writing. This is very helpful information when you're
planning for state testing. The site also lists collaborative projects, and
tips for education majors in their specific fields. The site is great for all
subjects, but for writing and lesson plans, it hits all areas from the
classroom activities to state regulations and standards. It's a very
informative site and a great resource to have.

The Write Source- A website that is devoted to helping students and teachers
with writing. Included is a section on writing topics which helps students
to get a jump start on selecting interesting topics by grade level. Another
exciting area this site offers is a section for students to submit their work
for publication. This site also includes helpful research links and a
product catalog.

Birchwood Elementary School- A website that has resources for both students
and teachers. Student sites give children a chance to explore a particular
subject which utilizes animated pictures to make things realistic. The
teacher resource section includes ideas for online projects, research lessons
and word web pages.

Elizabeth Winthrop Online- This site gives basic advice on writing and
publishing for young writers. It includes sample writings. There is also a
section for frequently asked questions (FAQs). A message board which allows
users to post and respond to questions and comments that have been entered.

Cyber Sleuth Kids- This site is full of information on various subjects and
is displayed in a fun and exciting format. This site is recommended for
students K-12 and even includes a homework helper, educational search engine
and directory. Everything from Art & Music, Sports, News Media, Science
Weather, Fun & Games and many more are included!

Cool Teachers Links- This site is quite useful for teachers and contains
links to teacher conferences and curriculum specific sites. Included
subjects are literature, mathematics, art, science and music. The homepage
menu is simple to use and clearly organized. Many FREE offers for teachers
are included.

This site has a chatroom, games, contests, an artist gallery, a section for young composers, links to other cool sites, a young adult novel-in its entirety with a page for each chapter, great graphics, and a zeen…all for young adults. The zeen, like other magazines is filled with a variety of material, all written by or for teens. The zeen features artwork, poetry, prose, and a section called fresh where the viewer can find interviews, public service announcements, and opinions. This site has been received praise from the New York Times, Macromedia, and me.

This site is a wonderful resource. Sutton Le Marsh National School is a primary school somewhere in the UK with an amazing website whose content ranges from games and links, to chatrooms for community members, to story starters and project ideas. It is necessary to explore the website, looking at each page, to realize the full potential of this resource.

With educational links for "very young children" and craft sites for any child along with teaching ideas and parent resources, this site is packed with useful items. Some of the links are to orderable resources, but enough links provide free information to make this site worthwhile.

This site is dedicated to "Children's Literature" and "Resources for Teachers" from around the world. Bantam Doubleday Dell and Penguin are resourced along with AskERIC and an online games sight. The webmaster's choices for worthy sites above the rest are accurate. It is valuable to look at these selected sites before looking at the others.

Because this is from a search engine, the list of sites varies with time and is not really ranked according to quality. However, there are enough sites to choose from that regardless of changes, this search has found some great sites. I am particularly fond of the link to lists of Online Stories. These stories are classified by genre: folk and fairy tales, ghost stories, interactive stories, poetry, stories by young writers, and storytelling. The stories by young writers link has an excellent link to web publishing sites. A multitude of sites and ideas can be found by exploring from this search.

This web site offers you a wide variety of options; some of these include such
things as activities, reference materials, lesson plans and on-line writing
labs to help students. All of these assets are just a few of the options
concerning this web site that make it so wonderful and such a valuable asset
to teaching. To top things off you can also receive a free newsletter by just
a click of a button.

This web page offers many resources for teachers and could prove to be most
valuable when teaching in the classroom. This home page alone offers you many
different areas of help for teachers some of which include: Lesson plans, A+
web sites and products for teachers just to name a few. My favorite
connection was to the lesson plans they offer you lessons in all aspects of
teaching from English to Science. They even have a section on icebreakers so
that you and the students can get to know each other better.

http://www.cl.ais.net/rlevine/ - This link is a great place to start an
educational search for teachers. It has the links to lesson plans, web
browsers, resource sights and many other great sights. If you click on the
icon for cool lessons at the top of the page it takes you to a list of tons
of sights where to find lessons. They range from Webquest to the University
of New Mexico. They also allow for the search of lessons by discipline
and/or grade level.

http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/6617/index.html - This web sight
is a "cybrary," or a library on the Internet. It has global access to
research and homework. When I clicked on the literature and writing icon, it
took me to a new page that was a large list of resources for a variety of
topics. It had literature and story resources and student writing and
grammar resources. These resources were all links to different education
ways and fun ways and a combo of ways to improve the grammatical teaching of
a student.

http://ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/ - The AskERIC Lesson Plan
Collection contains more than 1,000 unique lesson plans, which have been
written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.
It always accepts new ideas from teachers and asks that they submit lessons
that they think have been successful. AskERIC succeeds on the success of its
contributors. The lesson plans are very thorough ideas that might need to be
modified slightly to meet the needs of a class. They cover a wide range of
subjects and topics that are bound to be related to your lesson. It has
eleven sub links within the Language arts link itself.

http://www2.wcoil.com/~ellerbee/childlit.html - This sight is a member of
a group of sights devoted to children's literature. The sight contains a
number of links to resources including other members of this literature
group. It has a link that allows you to join the larger group if you wanted
to connect your web sight about children's literature. The resource data
link allows you to look for a book by the genre, era, subject, awards won,
and a number of other ways. This would be a great sight for an Elementary
School teacher who was planning a lesson about or a round a story or had a
lesson and needed a story to go with it.

http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/ - A web page devoted to the helping of
teachers. This sight has a message board to talk with other teachers, a
place with teacher tips, a link to lesson plans or a thematic unit, a
shopping area. This sight has the greatest variety of the resources I
checked. They have full-blown lesson plans off the links here complete with
worksheets. It is a great sight.

This is an excellent web site that provides teachers with thematic unit ideas, teacher tips, a communication message board, and some of the best, easily accessible lesson plans that I have seen on the web. I highly recommend this site to those searching
for exciting lesson plans.

This is a lesson page by Marc. He provides his lessons and then a large number of other web sites with effective lesson plans. I enjoyed this page because it was easy to navigate through. It also has the pattern of branching roots; each web site leads to a new

This site has a chatroom, games, contests, an artist gallery, a section for young composers, links to other cool sites, a young adult novel—in its entirety with a page for each chapter, great graphics, and a zeen…all for young adults. The zeen, like other magazines is filled with a variety of material, all written by or for teens. The zeen features artwork, poetry, prose, and a section called fresh where the viewer can find interviews, public service announcements, and opinions. This site has been received praise from the New York Times, Macromedia, and me.

This site is a wonderful resource. Sutton Le Marsh National School is a primary school somewhere in the UK with an amazing website whose content ranges from games and links, to chatrooms for community members, to story starters and project ideas. It is necessary to explore the website, looking at each page, to realize the full potential of this resource.

With educational links for “very young children” and craft sites for any child along with teaching ideas and parent resources, this site is packed with useful items. Some of the links are to orderable resources, but enough links provide free information to make this site worthwhile.

Because this is from a search engine, the list of sites varies with time and is not really ranked according to quality. However, there are enough sites to choose from that regardless of changes, this search has found some great sites. I am particularly fond of the link to lists of Online Stories. These stories are classified by genre: folk and fairy tales, ghost stories, interactive stories, poetry, stories by young writers, and storytelling. The stories by young writers link has an excellent link to web publishing sites. A multitude of sites and ideas can be found by exploring from this search.

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