Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm So Totally, Digitally Close to You (Kist)

I found the discussion on social media in this article to be quite interesting. A person is quoted saying, "I feel like I’m getting to something raw about my friends," by using Twitter. I agree with that statement. I'm not completely opposed to the concept of Twitter although I was reluctant to use it at first. There is a raw element of expression that comes through this form of communication. Mark Zuckerberg is quoted in the article saying, "A lot of this is just social norms catching up with what technology is capable of." I've never really thought of it in that way before. Technology has allowed people to stay in contact that would not have necessary kept contact on a face-to-face basis. There are people that I talk to via Facebook that I have not seen in years yet I feel like I understand them and see what they are up to simply through the communication made through the Internet.

I also relate to the point about the "weak ties" concept. There are people that I used to work with years ago, or someone that I went to elementary school with (not even middle or high school), and people that I may have only met once in person or had one class with in college, that I am 'friends' with on Facebook. In all honesty, I would have probably completely forgotten about most of these people but now from time to time I see intimate details spill over on my Newsfeed on Facebook. Another good point that was made in the article was that "weak ties" "can observe you, but it’s not the same as knowing you". I feel that although I have interaction on the Internet, that doesn't mean I have more close friends. It is interesting how social media is drastically changing the way people interact with one another. I'm interested in seeing, and also scared in seeing, what communication will be like in 20 years from now.

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